Tuesday 10 July 2018



  • You have to accept the challenge and face it .A lot of people will dismiss challenges that come before them. They’ll convince themselves that the problem is smaller than it really is or that it doesn’t exist in the first place. You need to recognise when you start
  • This isn’t a fun part of the equation. Accepting that this challenge is real and that you’re going to have to deal with it can be really scary. If you’re scared of what this challenge can mean for you, just remember: so far in life, you’ve met every challenge that’s come before you and made it out okay. There’s no reason to think that this is any different.

 Overreacting to a problem can cause you make bad decisions. When we are not in control of our emotions, we will make decisions 
that we will regret later. Next time you are faced with a challenge, become the watcher of your thoughts and stay calm so you can make smarter decisions.

  • Make list of all your fears on a paper. 
  • write them down from the greatest fear to the lowest.
  • now try to overcome with them one by one.
  • e.g :- you have a fear to lose someone so close to you. stop crying and depressing yourself instead stand-up work hard, grow yourself and then fight your fear because the one meant to be in your life would never move back in any situation.
 Take action:-

  • It’s important, with any challenge that you end up facing, to start doing something about the problem as soon as you possibly can.

    • By doing nothing, you’re still doing something. And that something probably isn’t helping the situation.
    • Problems usually multiply when left to themselves, like rabbits. The sooner you start facing the challenge, the easier it will be to overcome.

     Don’t blame others:-
    •  Many people make a habit of blaming others for all their problems. They fail to take full responsibility for the decisions they have made in life. 
    • he more you blame others with the challenges you are faced with, the more you will make people dislike you and not want to be around you.
    • Instead of blaming out others try to convince yourself by saying it is happening because you have to be strong. 

    Evaluate the facts:-
    1)This usually means that you’re going to have to talk 
    to people, although who will depend on your situation. 
    Are you having problems with school? Talk to your teacher. 
    Problems at work? Talk to your boss or a coworker. Problems 
    in your relationship? Talk to your partner. Problems
     with your health? Talk to your doctor. You get the idea.
    2)It can help to make a list. A challenge is rarely one 
    single task or problem, but is instead made up of lots 
    of different parts. Make a list talking about what the smaller, sub-challenges are and what you’ll need to do in order to combat them.

     Accept “changes’ in your life:-

    1. Now that you know what you’re dealing with, you’ll want to think about what tools and resources you have available to help you in facing this challenge. What resources are most important will depend on your problem, but there are lots of things you can consider. Think about your strengths, the people that can help you, and any physical resources you might have (like money). You should also think about areas in which you are weak. This will let you plan ahead so that you can compensate or at least be prepared in areas where something might go wrong. Be realistic about both the good and bad things that you have to offer this situation: fantastic optimism is not your friend here.

    Look at all possibilities.:-

    If you’re having a hard time looking at a situation and finding an alternative route, one of the easiest ways to get ideas is to talk to someone you trust. Get advice. If you’re on your own though, look at you main goal point (the thing you’re trying to reach). It’s got a problem in the way, keeping you from getting there, right? Now, look at the actual function of the goal. Is there another way to get the same thing to happen? This can open another path for you to take
    Take the help of people you are connected with. ask them for bringing you out of such deep breaking situations and for this one you only and only need to do one thing i.e

      Communicate, communicate, communicate. 

    Thursday 5 July 2018


    Stress:-  stress is actually a  body reaction, which develops due to some physical, mental and sometimes emotional situations.

    When do you starts to get stressed?
       Actually we humans always wishes to have a positive life without any kind of tension, worries, or anything else such. But natures rule, you couldn't start a peaceful life until you get any problem standing against you. 
    And problem probably leads to tensions, worries and ultimately to stress. 
    Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. Even positive life changes such as a promotion, a mortgage, or the birth of a child produce stress.

    How does stress affect health?

    The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert, motivated, and ready to avoid danger. Stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between stressors. As a result, the person becomes overworked, and stress-related tension builds. The body's autonomic nervous system has a built-in stress response that causes physiological changes to allow the body to combat stressful situations. This stress response, also known as the "fight or flight response", is activated in case of an emergency. However, this response can become chronically activated during prolonged periods of stress. Prolonged activation of the stress response causes wear and tear on the body – both physical and emotional.

    Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress – a negative stress reaction. Distress can disturb the body's internal balance or equilibrium, leading to physical symptoms such as headaches, an upset stomachelevated blood pressurechest painsexual dysfunction, and problems sleeping. Emotional problems can also result from distress. These problems include depressionpanic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress is linked to 6 of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.

    Stress also becomes harmful when people engage in the compulsive use of substances or behaviours to try to relieve their stress. These substances or behaviours include food, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, and the Internet. Rather than relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances and compulsive behaviours tend to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems. The distressed person becomes trapped in a vicious circle.
    • Keep a positive attitude.
    • Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
    • Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
    • Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi.
    • Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
    • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
    • Learn to manage your time more effectively.
    • Set limits appropriately and say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.
    • Make time for hobbies and interests.
    • Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
    • Don't rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
    • Seek out social support. Spend enough time with those you love.
    • Seek treatment with a psychologist or other mental health professional trained in stress management or biofeedback techniques to learn more healthy ways of dealing with the stress in your life.